WELCOME to the following new members of the LGA!
- Peter R. Basanti (peter.basanti@fairfaxcounty.gov); Assistant County Attorney V, Fairfax County
- Linda R. Scott (lrscott@hanovercounty.gov); Senior Assistant County Attorney, Hanover County
CONGRATULATIONS to the following members who have been promoted, taken a new position, or been recognized by their peers:
- Lindsay Bunting Eubanks (lbuntingeubanks@sandsanderson.com), Sands Anderson PC, has been promoted from Associate to Counsel.
- M. Tolley Gwinn (tgwinn@sandsanderson.com), Sands Anderson PC, has been promoted from Associate to Counsel.
- Andrew H. “Andy” Herrick (aherrick@albemarle.org), LGA President and formerly Interim Albemarle County Attorney, has been appointed Albemarle County Attorney.
- Pamela O’Berry (poberry@sandsanderson.com), Sands Anderson PC, has been promoted from Counsel to Shareholder.
Have we missed anyone? Please submit professional news announcements to dwagoner@nlrg.com.