We are pleased to provide the LGA Handbook of Virginia Local Government Law in a new online book format that is searchable across all chapters. We suggest that you bookmark it so that it is easily available.
Access LGA Handbook of Virginia Local Government Law Online
A few things to note:
- You can take notes on it (icon in bottom menu) if you use the same browser, e.g. Chrome or Edge, when accessing it. Those notes will only be visible locally on your device.
- It works on mobiles and tablets (although notes are not supported on these devices).
- There is a download button, but if you use it you will just get a pdf document, not the book format. It’s better to use the traditional Handbook Download if you want to have it without needing to access it online.
- You can use the print button to print selected pages. You can also select and copy and paste.
- The search icon is in the upper right. You can search an exact phrase by clicking the magnifying glass, then the icon that pops up to its right and check “exact match.”
Its use is very intuitive, but you can use the contact button if you have any questions.