LGA David P. Bobzien Pro Bono Nomination Form

Nomination Form

The Local Government Attorneys Association (LGA) Board of Directors created the David P. Bobzien Pro Bono Award to encourage and recognize the creative contribution by a member of LGA to the provision of pro bono representational and non-representational legal services. Nominations may be made by any active member of LGA. This Award will be presented at an appropriate LGA Conference.

Award Candidates must be a current member of LGA who demonstrated one or more of the following criteria in a manner of particular relevance and application for the practice of Local Government Law.

• Dedicated time or resources to the development and delivery of legal services to an underserved segment of the population;

• Contributed significantly toward developing innovative ways to deliver volunteer legal services;

• Facilitated improved understanding of or access to the legal system through educational, participatory, or outreach services;

• Participated in an activity that resulted in satisfying previously unmet legal needs or extending legal services to an underserved segment of the population;

• Handled pro bono cases that favorably affected the provision of services to an underserved segment of the population;

• Worked on legislation that contributed to legal services for an underserved segment of the population; or

• Made an outstanding effort to provide legal services to an underserved segment of the population.

Name of Nominee: _____________________________________________________________

Nominee Address:______________________________________________________________


Phone: _____________ Fax: _______________ Email: _______________________________

Name of Nominator: ___________________________________________________________

Nominator’s Address: _________________________________________________________


Phone: ____________ Fax: _____________ Email: ________________________________

Please submit a statement outlining the nominee’s qualifications for this Award, along with any supporting materials and/or documentation, including a resume or biological sketch of the Nominee to the current awards committee chair.