Nomination Form
The Local Government Attorneys Association (LGA) Board of Directors created the David P. Bobzien Pro Bono Award to encourage and recognize the creative contribution by a member of LGA to the provision of pro bono representational and non-representational legal services. Nominations may be made by any active member of LGA. This Award will be presented at an appropriate LGA Conference.
Award Candidates must be a current member of LGA who demonstrated one or more of the following criteria in a manner of particular relevance and application for the practice of Local Government Law.
• Dedicated time or resources to the development and delivery of legal services to an underserved segment of the population;
• Contributed significantly toward developing innovative ways to deliver volunteer legal services;
• Facilitated improved understanding of or access to the legal system through educational, participatory, or outreach services;
• Participated in an activity that resulted in satisfying previously unmet legal needs or extending legal services to an underserved segment of the population;
• Handled pro bono cases that favorably affected the provision of services to an underserved segment of the population;
• Worked on legislation that contributed to legal services for an underserved segment of the population; or
• Made an outstanding effort to provide legal services to an underserved segment of the population.
Name of Nominee: _____________________________________________________________
Nominee Address:______________________________________________________________
Phone: _____________ Fax: _______________ Email: _______________________________
Name of Nominator: ___________________________________________________________
Nominator’s Address: _________________________________________________________
Phone: ____________ Fax: _____________ Email: ________________________________
Please submit a statement outlining the nominee’s qualifications for this Award, along with any supporting materials and/or documentation, including a resume or biological sketch of the Nominee to the current awards committee chair.